Mother Nature Angel Armageddon Global Warming planetary mass murder for fossil fuel increased solar flare activity? Are these the End of Days hoaxes or do they have a higher purpose? Mr Mark Alan 9781481247214 Books

Mother Nature Angel Armageddon Global Warming planetary mass murder for fossil fuel increased solar flare activity? Are these the End of Days hoaxes or do they have a higher purpose? Mr Mark Alan 9781481247214 Books
Mark Alan's "Mother Nature's Angel" was a whim purchase when I saw it pop up on the Kindle store. I, like the author, have an interest in metaphysics and the like, so it seemed intriguing. The first chapter caught my attention and I found myself looking for time to read more. It turned out to be a quick read...very quick. It's only 184 pages, making it one of the shortest stories I've read in a while. Therein lies the problem for me, though. Just about the time the story was really picking up some steam, it rather abruptly ended, leaving me wanting for a little more depth. Not that the end of story was incomplete, just that I think it could have been a bit more satisfying, given the turn of events. I'll most likely check out other works by the author, in any case.
Tags : Mother Nature's Angel: Armageddon, Global Warming, planetary mass murder for fossil fuel, increased solar flare activity? Are these the End of Days ... hoaxes or do they have a higher purpose? [Mr Mark Alan] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Are there really Angels? Is there any help out there? What or who is creating the beautiful Northern Lights? Are Crop Circles hoaxes or do they have a higher purpose? Dr. Anthony Young (a physics professor and scientist at NASA) and Lynette Young (a biology professor) are guided through an intense spiritual,Mr Mark Alan,Mother Nature's Angel: Armageddon, Global Warming, planetary mass murder for fossil fuel, increased solar flare activity? Are these the End of Days ... hoaxes or do they have a higher purpose?,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1481247212,FICTION Science Fiction General
Mother Nature Angel Armageddon Global Warming planetary mass murder for fossil fuel increased solar flare activity? Are these the End of Days hoaxes or do they have a higher purpose? Mr Mark Alan 9781481247214 Books Reviews
This book touched on many surprising ( and often unexplained) events that could have been plucked directly from any gives an interesting and touching explanation for these which many people
Interested in metaphysics will be happy to finally see in print!
I enjoyed reading Mark's book very much. Needs a little editing but this did not take away from my liking the story line. I thought it was an interesting perspective on some of the unexplained phenomena taking place around the world.
I don't know how many similar books are out there but this is the one to read - definitely!!!
It is possible that the part of the book is a true story tied up with real events and some phantasy. But some writers can do only True Stories, write about Real Events and some can do only Phantasy books. Small percentage of writhers can do all three adding some fancy phrases and sentences and they are the best in the world. But the world would be very empty in literature if we would to read only few book that would be out there.
Some earlier reviews suggest that Mark Allan, in short words, did not do a good job with book story. Naturally suggestions were made up with pretty fancy wording.
But let's get down to Earth True Story is a True Story and Real Events are real and if he lacked little bit in phantasy or fancy phrasing, like some people suggest, than he falls in a category of a writer that is just shy by a little from being one of the top writers. Not to bad for the first book. A?
Just reading the book does not put you in the story close enough to understand it. The book requires little bit more than just scrolling through the pages and rushing to finish it. If you know, or think you know, about Global Warming, Angels, Crop Circles, Conspiracies and have similar life experiences, put yourself as one of the characters in this book and "Play the role". Then go even further and play another character. Every time you switch the role you will experience the whole adventure differently.
I am an linguist by profession, knowing that i made lots of grammatical mistakes in this review, but I can tell you that the quality of the story is no different than stories written by top notch world famous writers. So get the book and enjoy it - you want regret it.
I was rather conflicted about what to say in this review. So I decided to invite myself to lunch and talk it over with the other half of my imaginary split-personality. One half of me read the book. The other half didn't. We have a nice window seat that mostly isolates us from the chit-chat of the other diners and the clatter coming from the kitchen. Let's listen in as the conversation unfolds while munching on bread sticks, sipping water and waiting to be served.
A "I ignored the off-putting typos. Even so, my first thought was to be brutally honest and say something like, 'It strives to be science fiction even as it undoubtedly meets the basic requirements of stretching known science beyond reasonable extrapolations. Many of the characters start out as two-dimensional; fortunately they become more developed and pronounced as the story unfolds but it takes a while. The descriptive palette of the background scenes seems like a sketch rendered with a set of bland pastels; even though the words used are lustrous by definition; how is such a thing possible?'"
A "Further, some of the supporting phenomena and science stuff seems a little strained; vague if you will, like a patchwork quilt. Even though they are explained for the most part, they just don't allow the reader's imagination much freedom unless they have assimilated some of the prerequisite background material... which, by the way, is actually quite interesting. Also, it is sometimes hard to determine if the contemplative philosophical elements are key to the story or merely supporting props. Fortunately I don't think there is any hidden agenda in that respect although many authors will do that just to get a point across; something that they feel passionate about. That being said, it's almost impossible for an author's writing to remain entirely uncolored by their own personal life experiences and system of beliefs."
B "Look, he's trying to tell a story and sell the book. Just give him a break and say something nice, OK?"
A "I have to say something. He asked me review it. But it just doesn't do much for me. I'm not relating to the characters much even though they're nice and all. There isn't anything wrong with them it's just that they're not, um, compelling." "It's seems like it was written by someone that's had some real-life experiences and is trying to get it straightened out in his own head by writing about it... or perhaps wants a little attention, you know, that sort of stuff."
B "Well, maybe he is and does but so what? Everybody deserves a little attention and affirmation don't they?" "Maybe this is his way of fulfilling a life-long ambition and who are you to go and frown upon it?"
A "I'm the guy that has to make a choice between being honest about what I think of it as a work of science fiction and being a 'nice guy.'"
B "But most people don't like honesty you know. They say they do but they don't.
A "Right. For example, take the antagonists in the book. The bad guys do bad things but you just want to accept it as necessary conflict and move along with the story. You might even believe it but if it's the worst that happens then it's almost PG rated. You know, something you could see on family TV and not get worked up about it because you're expecting it and they don't really show anything, descriptively that is, so it doesn't really compel you to invest the necessary emotion."
B "You know it's possible that he's going to feel disappointed if you post this as the review, don't you?"
A "He's a big boy. I'm sure he's had his ups and downs before and might even prefer a straight shooter. You never know. We all suffer disappointments in life don't we? Maybe it's part of his destiny, to get it straight, like the protagonist in his book, you know? Or, maybe it's one of those 'external influences' that is putting the whammy on me to write this style of review. Who knows?"
B "Hmm, you know.. oh, what the heck, I'll say it anyway. You might be on to something.
A "Well, it is certainly an integral part of the story he's trying to tell. You know, things happen. Weird things. They jerk us out of our comfort zone and sometimes we struggle to explain them. First we try logic or science and all that rational clap-trap and if/when that doesn't work the way we expect then we switch over to stuff like superstition, metaphysics, or religion. In the end our minds demand a rational explanation for the unexplainable. It's all about the expectations that we have; for ourselves and that other people have of us and how we meet them... or not."
B "I agree. So if that's one of the key tenants of the book then that's interesting. It certainly is the case that when a strange thing happens in this world then we're always trying to come up with something to explain it. It seems that's a part of human nature or at least the way most human minds work."
B "Yes. So, what I'm saying is that I don't think you're being fair. Everyone has a right to postulate their own little fantasies about why this is this and that is that. If he wants to have some fun trying to tie together a smorgasbord of New Age, UFO truth seeker phenomena and government conspiracies from the past decade to the present with his own unique fantasy then so be it. Let him. Where's the harm? It's not that bad is it?"
A "Well, no. It's actually quite entertaining and thought provoking in places. I was able to read the story from beginning to end and I didn't want to quit until I was finished so in that sense it does grip the reader as any good story should. But there are some rough patches. I mean, there were times I would have rather been doing something else, not because I was tired of reading or anything but just because I was getting bored with the pace of the action or the bland scenery that was playing out in my minds eye. Does that make sense? But, maybe that's just me. I'm sure other readers will have a different interpretation."
B "Sure they will. Besides, we've all read books like that. Heck, even established science fiction authors, the ones that are considered really good, have sections of stories or books that just sort of drag along. In retrospect I suppose if they had the luxury of time to go back and tweak them until the cows come home then they might have been able to wring out another five percent of zippety-do-dah from their imaginations; but that's not the way the world works, is it? You give it your best shot and then call it a day. If enough people like it then they'll probably say so and why. That's what you're shooting for anyway. Saying something that was interesting for you to think about enough to write a book, put it out there and see if anyone else thinks the ideas merit a little thought too."
A "Agreed and, in the end, the book does do that. It makes you think. People will read it and make up their own mind. Not because you or I said namby-pamby syrupy things about it and give it five stars but because they browsed through those all-important teaser pages and got drawn in just enough to want to push the 'buy' button; just to see what it's all about and how it turns out. We're just trying to help them make up their mind if they're still sitting on the fence after doing that. That's why it's important for us to give them a sense of where the adventure is going to take them and where the pot holes are... without drawing them a map. Something that is a bit beyond the book's description. It's not always easy to do but maybe our little chat will set their expectations and give them a sense of adventure, of the possibilities; enough to turn latent curiosity into overt action."
B "Perhaps. By the way, I love the way you smiled when you said that last bit about giving them a sense of where the adventure is going without handing out a map. That was inspired."
A "Ah, right. Sure, it's like telling a story in a way nobody has every thought of before. It's the same old ingredients but sometimes we aren't paying attention. We experiment a little and 'voila!' Although, sometimes we just get lucky and surprise ourselves and everyone else in the process. So, are you going to buy a copy or what?"
B "I think I will.. if for no other reason than to see if you just decided to have lunch with me because you were feeling bored and grumpy today and randomly decided to flail on an up-and-coming author - just because you're hungry. So, will you loan me your copy?"
A "No. But I'll read your review after you buy your own copy and read it; just out of curiosity, of course. Where's the desert menu?"
Mark Alan's "Mother Nature's Angel" was a whim purchase when I saw it pop up on the store. I, like the author, have an interest in metaphysics and the like, so it seemed intriguing. The first chapter caught my attention and I found myself looking for time to read more. It turned out to be a quick read...very quick. It's only 184 pages, making it one of the shortest stories I've read in a while. Therein lies the problem for me, though. Just about the time the story was really picking up some steam, it rather abruptly ended, leaving me wanting for a little more depth. Not that the end of story was incomplete, just that I think it could have been a bit more satisfying, given the turn of events. I'll most likely check out other works by the author, in any case.

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